EPSO Young Plant Scientist Award 2024

EPSO wishes to encourage the development of ideas and imaginative thinking in the plant sciences and, therefore, offers two awards to young scientists to attending the Science Day (12.6.2024) of the EPSO General Meeting to be held in Oeiras / Portugal.

EPSO Young Plant Scientist Award 2024

The awards will cover registration (waived by the Local Host) and travel (economy, max. 400 €, reimbursed by EPSO) to the meeting and will include the opportunity to present a lecture on the winner’s research (20 minutes) during a plenary session of the Science Day; each awardee will receive 200 € from EPSO. Applications are invited from PhD students working on either fundamental or applied aspects of research on plants. One award will be offered in each category.

Awards will be chosen based on submitted abstracts. The selection criteria will be:

  • The novelty of the idea or approach being taken
  • The potential of the research to improve understanding or outcomes in the selected field of plant science
  • The clarity with which the problem or research topic is conveyed to a non-specialist plant scientist.

PhD students wishing to apply should submit the completed Application Form which includes as well their abstract and their short curriculum vitae. Two EPSO representatives will select two candidates from the applications on fundamental aspects of plant biology and two other EPSO representatives will select two applications from more applied research topics. The final two winners, one from the fundamental research category, the other from the applied research category, will be selected by the 5 EPSO representatives including the jury chair.

Applicants can be nominated by others, and to be eligible they have to be PhD student on 31.1.2024 and work in an institute/university that has EPSO institutional membership (check online). Please send your entry to epso@epsomail.org with the subject “EPSO Young Plant Scientist Award 2024” until 31.1.2024.



EPSO Office; +32-2213-6260



For 2024 call:

Announcement of EPSO Young Plant Scientist Award Call:


Deadline to receive nominations:


Check Eligibility (need to belong to a member institute):


Consider and evaluate applications based on abstract and mini-cv:


Announcement of winners:


Useful links


EPSO Young Plant Scientist Award 2023:


EPSO breaking news:


EPSO publications:


EPSO member institutes and universities:


EPSO representatives:


About EPSO
EPSO, the European Plant Science Organisation, is an independent academic organisation that represents around 200 research institutes, departments and universities from 30 countries, mainly from Europe, and 2.600 individuals Personal Members, representing over 24 000 people working in plant science. EPSO’s mission is to improve the impact and visibility of plant science in Europe, to provide authoritative source of independent information on plant science including science advice to policy, and to promote training of plant scientists to meet the 21st century challenges in breeding, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, plant ecology and sectors related to plant science. https://epsoweb.org│EU Transparency Register Number 38511867304-09

Last Modified: 06.11.2023