
Scientific presentations created in the context of PHENET
Philippe Vermeulen: Apport de la spectroscopie et de l'imagerie proche infrarouge pour l'évaluation des maladies avant et après récolte : cas de la fusariose et de la carie sur blé tendre. 21 - 22 March 2024, Journées Groupe céréales, Bordeaux
Report: Sven Gedicke, Risvi Shiyaza, Jan-Henrik Haunert (2024): Report on the FAIRagro Workshop on Data Quality for Data Analytics in Agrosystem Science (DQ4DA). doi: doi/10.5281/zenodo.10697160. Direct link:
Presentation: Stijn Dhondt, Roland Pieruschka (2024): EMPHASIS an related projects, IPPS, Lincoln Nebraska, USA
Presentation: Aike Potze (WU - WP5): Prediction of GxExM with Multimodal Deep Learning, GxExM III Symposium, Wageningen, NL, Oct 30-31, 2024
Keynote presentation: Ioannis Athanasiadis (WU- WP5): Knowledge-guided machine learning in plant phenomics, 2024 UK Plant Phenomics Town Hall and Conference, Sept. 4-5, 2024, Warwick, UK.
Keynote presentation: Ioannis Athanasiadis (WU- WP5): Agriculture in the Artificial Intelligence era, Ag2050 Future of Farming Systems Research Symposium, Jun. 4-5, 2024, CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia.
Keynote presentation: Ioannis Athanasiadis (WU-WP5): “Artificial intelligence in plant phenotyping – towards end-to-end modelling”, Nordic-Baltic Plant Phenotyping Network Annual meeting, November 21 - 22, 2024, Båstad, Sweden
Scientific Posters created in the context of PHENET
Corentin Demoitié: Detection of common bunt disease in wheat kernels and ears using visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. 8 - 10 July 2024, IASIM, Bilbao.
Poster: Corentin Demoitié: Detection of common bunt disease in wheat kernels and ears using visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. 8 - 10 July 2024, IASIM, Bilbao.
Poster: Heba Ibrahim, Simone Gatzke, Sven Fahrner, Roland Pieruschka (2024): Phenotyping for agroecology, IPPS, Lincoln Nebraska, USA
Poster: Herearii Metuarea, David Rousseau: Leveraging on Foundation Deep Neural Models for Individual Apple Tree Segmentation in Dense Orchards via Prompt Engineering in RGB Images, 29 Sept 2024, ECCV, Milan Italy.
Scientific Reports created in the context of PHENET
Sven Gedicke, Risvi Shiyaza, Jan-Henrik Haunert (2024): Report on the FAIRagro Workshop on Data Quality for Data Analytics in Agrosystem Science (DQ4DA). doi: doi/10.5281/zenodo.10697160. Direct link
Heba Ibrahim, Sven Fahrner (2025): PHENET - 1st Policy Brief - PHENET, a 5-year Horizon Europe project, is designed to be a key driver for the agroecological transition in support of food security, climate change resilience, biodiversity, and soil carbon stock restoration in Europe. Four world-class research infrastructures (RIs), AnaEE, eLTER, ELIXIR, and EMPHASIS, join their forces to co-develop, with a diversity of innovative European. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10599267 Direct link
Sven Fahrner (2025): Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan - Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan - Deliverable 6.1. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.15006884 Direct link
David Rousseau (2025): Draft of specification for phenotyping devices - Draft of specification for phenotyping devices - PHENET Deliverable 2.1. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.15006996 Direct link
Roland Pieruschka (2025): Work plan for the Use Cases - Work plan for the Use Cases _ Deliverable 1.1. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.15005997 Direct link
Access Manager / Operation Officer, AnaEE-ERIC, Gif-sur-Yvette, south of Paris, France (