Remote training on DATA MANAGEMENT

The training course will offer a general overview of data management for plant phenotyping with a specific focus on FAIR principals at different levels from acquisition to exploration.

20th November 2023 13:00 PM
27th November 2023 15:00 PM
Remote training on DATA MANAGEMENT

Objective: The training course will offer a general overview of data management for plant phenotyping with a specific focus on FAIR principals at different levels from acquisition to exploration.

Target addressed: all researchers, technical staff and platform managers.
Dates: 20-27 November/04-07-11 December 2023| h.14:00-16:00 (CET)
Max no. of participants: no limitations
Award: certification of attendance

>> In order to participate in the remote training course you have to register here until 17 November 2023<<

Please find more information in the flyer.

Last Modified: 23.10.2023